

Arigataki is written in Tokyo.

What Yasujiro Ozu said about when to spend money to enrich your life.

Luxury is something you do

Because it fills your heart

To go to a place

To meet people.

All of that is included in the meal.


Why Yasujiro Ozu Didn't Spend a Lot of Money Around Here?


Eel is called "unagi" in Japanese.

One day.

Director Yasujiro Ozu was visiting a film actor at his home.

At lunchtime, the actor's wife suggested that they go to a nearby eel restaurant to eat eel.

She knew that the director was an unparalleled eel lover.

However, Ozu was very clear.

We can't eat just any eel.

Eels were then and still are a luxury, but there are still people who mistake luxury for waste.

But that's not true, Ozu believes.

Yasujiro Ozu asked the question. "What fills your heart ?"

We should all take this quote to heart.

When I think about it, I wonder how much money I have spent "around the corner," as Ozu put it.

From now on, we should only spend money on things that fill our hearts.

Now that I have made that decision, there is only one question I need to ask myself.

If you can answer that question, you're in the right place.

If you can answer that question, I believe you will be able to enrich your life a little more.

Because when you know exactly what you want and what you don't want, you can focus only on what you want.

It's not a good idea to chase after your potential forever.

Only children are allowed to do that.

If you have not been able to choose anything, you are a perpetual wanderer, not knowing what you are good at and what you are not good at.

Yasujiro Ozu, who wanted to make movies and concentrated on movies

It seems that Yasujiro Ozu wanted to make movies and focused on them from a very young age.

It seems that from a very young age, Yasujiro Ozu wanted to make movies and focused on them.

And I find that the same quote applies to movies.

A good movie is something you watch.

They fill your heart.

You go to the place.

You meet the people.

All of that is part of the movie. 

I'm sure we all have something else we strongly desire besides eels and movies.

Let's start by thinking about it.